As you might have noticed, I posted nothing on my blog last week. Both the two past weeks turned out terribly busy, to the point where I didn’t have the time or the mind to sit down to write even a short post. For shame! I do at least have plenty of exciting things to… Continue reading Now Presenting: One Sweet Suite
Author: David Saulesco
Composer, arranger and songwriter for performance, recording, broadcast and interactive media.
Confused On a Higher Level
Yesterday, the new principal at the community college (folk high school) where I teach quoted an intriguing and thought-provoking phrase in the weekly staff newsletter. He didn’t mention where he had found it or who had coined the phrase, but being the curious person that I am, I quickly started hunting for the quote’s origin.… Continue reading Confused On a Higher Level
Stop, Look, Listen
Just as I had thought, last week turned out a busy one. Not that my weeks aren’t usually busy; in fact, the opposite tends to be also the exception to the rule. It was however also an exciting week with major progress on my new studio as well as getting back into teaching and choral… Continue reading Stop, Look, Listen
Build That Wall (Not That One)
Last month I made great progress on what will become my new office. Finally, two years after moving in, I will finally have a proper workspace! This new room which will also be able to serve as a control room for doing live broadcasts, or studio recordings of performances in the hall itself. Lots of… Continue reading Build That Wall (Not That One)
Riding the Summer High
What a summer it has been! Sunny and warm, relaxing as well as exciting and on top of that several concerts where I could sit right there in the audience, enjoying the music happening right in front of me. How I have missed that experience. Indeed, getting to hear brilliant singers such as Ylva Gruen… Continue reading Riding the Summer High
The Future Is Now
I can’t remember the last time I was unreservedly happy with a piece of music upon its premiere performance. This weekend, I felt that way about not one but two new pieces. Needless to say, I’m beyond words. (And yet, here I am.) I came home two days ago after a thrilling couple of days… Continue reading The Future Is Now
Butterflies and Opportunities
Ever since I was a teenager, writing (admittedly, mostly very poor) music alone in my room and dreaming about one day becoming an established composer, I have given much thought to having my music performed live – yes, even before it had even happened for the first time. This week I have not one but two… Continue reading Butterflies and Opportunities
Showing Them What You’re Made Of
It’s important to keep challenging yourself, to push yourself when you can and you have the opportunity to do so, to attempt things that seem daunting or, perhaps, even frightening. It goes without saying that this also falls in the easier-said-than-done category fairly often. That, though, is down to the very nature of something being… Continue reading Showing Them What You’re Made Of
The Joy of Singing Together
Last sunday’s service in Härnösand cathedral also featured the ordination of new priests and deacons. Currently, 50 people are allowed to gather in churches here in Sweden, which meant that for the first time in what almost feels like forever, the hymns felt alive as dozens of voices joined together. Additionally, I was happy and… Continue reading The Joy of Singing Together
On the Importance of Enthusiasts
Last week showed me yet another example of why true enthusiasts are absolutely necessary in the world of music, or for that matter, the arts in general. Sundsvall is one of Sweden’s largest municipalities. It is located in the middle of the country, or, depending on who you ask, in the lower half of Norrland… Continue reading On the Importance of Enthusiasts