The Future Is Now

I can’t remember the last time I was unreservedly happy with a piece of music upon its premiere performance. This weekend, I felt that way about not one but two new pieces. Needless to say, I’m beyond words. (And yet, here I am.) I came home two days ago after a thrilling couple of days… Continue reading The Future Is Now

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Butterflies and Opportunities

Ever since I was a teenager, writing (admittedly, mostly very poor) music alone in my room and dreaming about one day becoming an established composer, I have given much thought to having my music performed live – yes, even before it had even happened for the first time. This week I have not one but two… Continue reading Butterflies and Opportunities

Showing Them What You’re Made Of

It’s important to keep challenging yourself, to push yourself when you can and you have the opportunity to do so, to attempt things that seem daunting or, perhaps, even frightening. It goes without saying that this also falls in the easier-said-than-done category fairly often. That, though, is down to the very nature of something being… Continue reading Showing Them What You’re Made Of

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The Joy of Singing Together

Last sunday’s service in Härnösand cathedral also featured the ordination of new priests and deacons. Currently, 50 people are allowed to gather in churches here in Sweden, which meant that for the first time in what almost feels like forever, the hymns felt alive as dozens of voices joined together. Additionally, I was happy and… Continue reading The Joy of Singing Together

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The Sound of the Future

It’s easy today, I think, to take realistic, natural-sounding virtual instruments and other high quality sampled sounds for granted. In fact, today we consider technology that used to be regarded as cutting edge and true-to-nature more as something quaint and possessing a particular sound that is desirable in itself. Take FM synthesis, for example. As… Continue reading The Sound of the Future

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Better Late than Never

Another week, another composition sent off to the musicians. Not an entirely new work this time, but still! Since I was a teenager, I’ve wanted to be able to play the bassoon. It’s one of those instruments that aren’t as obvious as violin, guitar, drums, piano, or even flute, bass guitar, cello or trumpet. I… Continue reading Better Late than Never

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A Very Special Release Day

Norway celebrates its Contitution Day and my latest work, the septet ”Books on a Bookshelf”, is finally finished! To be honest, I had forgotten how much work preparing a score and parts actually involves, and how long it takes. That also says something about how long it has been since I last finished a more… Continue reading A Very Special Release Day

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Books on a Bookshelf

Everybody knows about Pictures at an Exhibition. When will we get to hear Books on a Bookshelf? A local bookseller and a very dear friend of mine pitched me this idea several years ago – half in jest, half in earnest – and has reminded me of it every once in a while since. Far from… Continue reading Books on a Bookshelf

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